10 Types of Housing for Adults with IDD – Jill Esher
1. State-Operated Centers
- DDS operates 2 developmental centers (a dying breed), one community facility and 2 acute crisis homes
2. ICFs – Intermediate Care Facilities (ICF/DD)
- Somewhat larger, licensed facilities with comprehensive care
- Medi-Cal (Medicaid) pays
3. Community Care Facilities – Licensed Residential Homes
- Different service levels, eg, 2, 3, 4 (A-I); eg, LSA Homes
- Enhanced Behavioral Supports Homes (EBSHs)
- Regional Centers pay (“winning the lottery”)
4. Family Home Agencies (adult foster care)
- Agency is vendored by a regional center; they recruit, train, monitor family homes
- Variant – Family Teaching Model, eg, CCO duplexes
- Cool fact: staff do not pay income taxes!
- Regional Centers pay
5. A Community Home/Apt with Regional Center-Funded Supports
- Supported Living Services – wrap-around service
- Independent Living Services – more intermittent, to help build skills
- Another mix of RC-funded staff (eg, personal aide or self-determination) and IHSS (I use various income streams for my 25 year-old son)
- RCs pay part or all services; housing itself is — (a) private pay (Special Needs Trust or ABLE account), (b) Section 8 housing
- vouchers from the Housing Authority, or (c) “affordable housing” set-asides in larger developments
- As a landlord, I use Section 8 model to provide highly subsidized housing to adults with autism, I/DD
6. Nonprofit-Owned Community of Homes/Amenities
- Sweetwater Spectrum, Sonoma
- Sunflower Hill, Pleasanton
- Camphill communities
- Casa de Amma, So Cal
- Services: RC funding for ILS, SLS, or self-determination
7. Privately Owned Family-formed LLCs
- Peralta Apartments, Fremont
- Coastal Families, Santa Cruz
- Mustang Court Commons, Petaluma
- Services: RC funding for ILS, SLS, or self-determination
8. In your home
- ILS, behavioral respite, personal aide, IHSS, “coordinated family supports”
9. Variant: ADU on your property
- SLS available as well
10. After you’re gone – Legacy Home Program
- Bay Area Housing Corporation (BAHC)
- Donate your house to BAHC, which then manages the property, with you child as a beneficiary
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