
Creating Home

As we prepare to embark on our next home project, we are also reflecting on the extraordinary journeys of those we have had the pleasure of supporting over the years.

Their successes have become what we as an organization live for – seeing them change, grow, and smile. They have touched our lives as much as we have theirs – we are family.

At the core of LSA, we believe that everyone should be treated with respect. Individuals with developmental disabilities should have an opportunity reside in their communities with the care and support they need to live life to its fullest.

As parents, of course, we want the best possible place for our children. For many families, LSA has become a home they can trust, where their son or daughter is safe, and most importantly, where they thrive. This move to independent living often presents unexpected gifts for families to grow, siblings to develop deeper connections and parents to have peace of mind that their children are experiencing some of the same opportunities in adulthood we all have.

We recently had the opportunity to interview a few residents and their families for a video we were working on to ask them about the impact LSA has had on their lives

Family Growth

Affectionately named ‘the safe house’ by Jordan-Bennett resident Vanessa, she and her four roommates have bonded through the years, developing deep friendships that have aided in their personal growth. Her mom Lynn feels her daughter’s journey while at LSA has been a miracle. “It’s different because the emphasis is on a wonderful life.”

“They’ve thought through this well – how to provide housing for disabled adults…and they continue to refine, in the difficult environment of funding and finding staff.”

Housemate Sitara echoed Vanessa’s sentiments – “I really love LSA. I love it!” Sitara’s parents believe the care she has received has far surpassed their expectations. Supportive of our endeavors, they are also keenly aware of the challenges in the Bay Area our community has to navigate. “They’ve thought through this well – how to provide housing for disabled adults…and they continue to refine, in the difficult environment of funding and finding staff.”

Amber, who also lives at Jordan-Bennett, was just three years old when she contracted meningitis. For her grandparents, it was difficult for them to picture her living independently growing up and “part of that is she is just so vulnerable.” Her father agrees as he didn’t think this level of support was possible outside of their home or financially feasible. “The level of care, the quality of the home that she’s living in, the beauty of the neighborhood, and having the around the clock care that she does – would be impossible for us to try to finance ourselves.”

“It gave me an opportunity to just be her sister…we get more quality time this way.”

Since moving into the home, Amber and her sister (who are only eighteen months apart) have also grown closer. “It gave me an opportunity to just be her sister…we get more quality time this way.”

Although all the clients we serve have developmental disabilities, just like us, they also have different support needs. Thane, who resides at our McKendrie home, experienced a life-changing accident as a teen when his parents were suddenly faced with the daunting task of finding a loving home where all of his medical needs could be met. Although the circumstances that led him to us were unique, his mom Sunny emphasized that “Thane’s not the only one out there living on the edge.” She believes that because our model was designed to be a home where he and his housemates can live happily receiving the love and care they need is what sets LSA apart.

Our Next Journey

Looking toward 2019, we honor and thank all of the individuals and families we have been able to support through the years. We also realize we are facing unique challenges in the Bay Area as capacity remains low and needs continue to rise in our community. Coupled with the fact that small licensed care homes are in decline in Santa Clara County, parents have limited options. This is our driving force – creating those opportunities one home at a time.

As we enter the holiday season and end-of-year giving is beginning, we are hopeful that with your support we can continue our mission of Creating home, Changing Lives.

To donate to our next home, go to WWW.LSAHOMES.ORG/DONATE/