
Dave Hovda – LSA Board Member

As a parent of a son with special needs, our family has been thinking about long-term housing options for Scotty for many years. We love having him with us, but my wife and I know we won’t be here forever, and it is in his best interest to transition to a long-term living community before we can no longer take care of him ourselves.

We think about it every day: hoping for an option where he will be well-supported, and worrying about finding a caring place for our sweet and funny son. My wife, Tracy, introduced me to LSA years ago because she had some friends who were board members and they spoke so highly of the organization. We attended several LSA fundraisers, and were very impressed by Dana and the LSA team members we met. We especially loved hearing the stories of other parents who had great experiences with their children living in LSA homes, and how thankful they were to find such an exceptional organization to care for their children.

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I continued to learn more about LSA, ultimately volunteering to join the board to try to be helpful and learn more about housing for adults with special needs. The more I learned, the more I understood what an incredible commitment LSA has undertaken to provide lifelong housing and caring support for adults with a wide variety of challenges.

Dana and his tremendous team provide exceptional, loving homes for exceptional people with developmental disabilities. It is a noble calling that greatly impacts the lives of so many adults with special needs, and it is an incredible gift to their families. Donor support is the lifeblood of non-profit organizations. Tracy and I strongly believe in the LSA Mission, and we will continue to donate regularly to this wonderful organization.

To support adults with developmental disabilities, please join us in supporting LSA’s Home is Where the Heart Is fundraiser on May 18, 2024. You will be happy you did!

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