
March is Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

1987 was a notable year for the developmentally disabled community as it was the first year the National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month was observed. Former President Ronald Reagan issued a public proclamation designating March to be the official month to raise awareness of the I/DD community’s needs and diverse abilities. This was the result of years of advocacy by family and friends within the I/DD community to bring more awareness about developmental disabilities. 

“I urge all Americans to join me in according to our fellow citizens with such disabilities both encouragement and the opportunities they need to lead productive lives and to achieve their full potential.” -President Ronald Reagan 

Many advocates, families, individuals with I/DD, and nonprofits use March to communicate the importance of inclusion and accessibility of people with developmental disabilities. While inclusion and accessibility are key points of discussion in March, another topic highlighted are the barriers this vulnerable population often faces. 

While all adults face challenges, adults with I/DD face even more frequent challenges on both the environmental and societal level. The barriers listed below are representative of the lack of accessibility and inclusion within the community. 

Barriers commonly reported: 

Attitudinal barriers






How can you help?

To learn more visit the resources below:

Common Barriers to Participation Experienced by People with Disabilities

Crescent News – Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

People First: A Guide to Interacting with People with Disabilities – DHS 4151

5 Common Barriers For People With A Disability